Anthony's Story
In October 2000, our son Anthony was disagnosed with a rare disease Fanconi Anemia, an inherited type of anemia that leads to bone marrow failure.
Fanconi Anemia is also a cancer prone disease which leads patients to being hundreds of thousands of times more likely to develop various types of cancer than the general population.
Currently there is no cure for FA Recipients.
In February 2015, ten days short of Anthon's 17th birthday, he ended his battle with FA and cancer. Anthony's passing was devastating for our entire family, as words cannot express our loss and the void in our lives. To honor our beloved son, we have established the Anthony Aric Arroyo Memorial Fund; Tax ID #81-2633250, to continue his passion and vision for finding a cure in fundraising efforts with a non-profit organization Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (FARF) and with financially assisting families with terminally ill children.